11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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Smart Career Campaign with Brains "PLANE DEINE STADT!": Young people discuss with municipal specialists

  • DE
  • Municipal Mobility Transition
  • Mobility turnaround


The impact of infrastructural ideas, concepts and decisions made by planners on people, the environment, society and the climate is underestimated, because it is not communicated enough. The career campaign of AGFS NRW “PLANE DEINE STADT!“ counteracts this and inspires young people for a creative and exciting career as a traffic planner. Safe networks of footpaths and cycle paths, more green spaces and water areas, enough space for people to get together or movement and short distances should be a matter of course in the city of tomorrow. Especially young people are asked to actively shape the future, to work on visions and make them reality. AGFS-NRW asks: What do young people think of former traffic planning? Do they use more public transport or bicycle with adapted infrastructure? What is their opinion on the issue of parent taxi? What do they suggest to solve the e-scooter problem? What would young people implement in their city if there is less parking space and more free area? What does their city of the future look like? Students who participated in an AGFS school workshop as part of the campaign will discuss with a team of experts. Audience participation is planned and desired.

Format: Panel discussion