11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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polisMOBILTIY 2024 - Where is the journey heading? Market check of intermodal MaaS platforms - visionSTAGE

  • DE
  • Local Public Transport and Mobility Services
  • Traffic Area
  • Mobility turnaround


Mobility expert Augustin Friedel sorts and evaluates the current activities relating to mobility services. The landscape of private mobility providers is more dynamic than ever before. Public transport providers in Germany and Europe are constantly developing their digital offerings. What opportunities do shared mobility services have in a tense market environment in Europe? What partnerships are being forged and what about data and data rooms? Augustin Friedel will provide food for thought and theses on these and other questions.

The panel then focussed on the following topics: Scooters today, light rail tomorrow and car sharing at the weekend - or perhaps all in one trip? Thanks to open data and cleverly designed mobility apps, this is no longer a dream of the future. But how can we find our way through the jungle of apps and integrate all mobility services? Who is ahead in the race for a nationwide platform solution? Do we even need such a super app or do local transport companies provide the better solutions? And to what extent are mobility services and digital data platforms actually part of public services of general interest?)