11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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  Dr. Thomas Spies | Speaker of the polisMOBILITY 2024


Dr. Thomas Spies
University city of Marburg
Lord Mayor

About Dr. Thomas Spies

Dr. Thomas Spies has been Lord Mayor of the university city of Marburg since 2015. The 61-year-old was born and raised in Marburg, is married and has a grown-up son. Spies studied medicine and then worked at the university hospital. From 1999 to 2015, he represented the region as a member of the state parliament in Wiesbaden. As Lord Mayor, he is committed to affordable housing, municipal climate protection, a strong business location and a good life in a modern city with a historic center. Under his leadership, Marburg has set itself the goal of becoming Germany's first climate-neutral city.
