11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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From Eisenach to Berlin

Tour de Verkehrswende for safe cycle paths and footpaths

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This year's Tour de Verkehrswende starts in Eisenach and leads in 13 stages through Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg to Berlin. The bicycle demo is committed to safe cycle and pedestrian paths. On August 30, the Changing Cities association will welcome the cyclists in Berlin. There they will present the ideas and demands collected during the tour to politicians.

Campaign motif. Tour de Verkehrswende. Pink schematic map of Germany on a red background. Next to it a pink bear on a bicycle.

© Changing Cities e.V.

The Tour de Verkehrswende, organized by the Changing Cities association, is taking place for the fourth time. It brings together people from rural and urban areas who are committed to a transport transition. The focus is on exchanging ideas and learning from one another. There are far too few safe cycle paths in Germany. If the infrastructure is lacking or unsafe, people leave their bikes behind. Most people know that cycling and walking are good for their health. They also know that greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector must be reduced in order to contain the climate crisis. The Tour de Verkehrswende supports local groups and brings people from all over the country together. It brings successful examples and local demands to the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin in order to make the transport transition more visible.

In the eastern German states, motorization was still relatively low in 1989, with 230 cars per 1,000 inhabitants (FRG: 480/1,000). Today, many railway lines are no longer served, and bus connections have been reduced or canceled. There were no good and safe cycle paths back then, but there were still more bicycles than cars on some bumpy roads.

The increasing car traffic and the expanded road network have changed a lot in recent years. In order to meet the mobility needs of many people, there needs to be a focus on safe and healthy mobility for everyone as part of public services. It is not a socially and climate-friendly model for the future to be dependent on your own car in rural areas or in structurally weak areas. All non-motorized and unprotected road users, especially children, young people and older people, should also be able to use safe routes everywhere.